General seat construction
All of the seat positions were tested by mocking up the supports and
the seat panels. We sat on them, fiddled with them and sat some more
until the heights and angles were comfortable.
The seat bottom supports are basically 2x4" pieces. The rear
support is laid on its side and has a ~1x1" oak strip (batten
leftovers) glued and screwed on top to support the lower edge of the
back. The support is placed such that the back bottom is ~1.5"
forward of the top.
The front edge support is placed on edge and the top edge is beveled
to match the seat angle. The front edge support needs to be within
1-2" of the front edge of the seat. If it is placed back further,
persons stepping on the front edge when entering the boat may generate
enough force to tear the seat loose (yes, it happened). In the upper
photo (rear bench seat support) you can see a couple of filled holes in
the stringer from the original front seat support placement.
The rear support is placed flat, raising the rear of the seat 1.5"
above the stringers. A 1x1" piece is placed along the top back edge
of the support to hold the seat back.
The lower photo shows the front bench seat supports with the seat
back back in place. The front supports are fastened to the stringers
with "toe nailed" 3.5" stainless deck screws. Note, that
there is no need for outboard mounts for the bench seat supports. They
are mounted solely to the stringers.