3D Printer is Running!
The printer is now running It is roughly assembled (as you can see) and now it is time for fine tuning and making parts for itself. I love it when…
The printer is now running It is roughly assembled (as you can see) and now it is time for fine tuning and making parts for itself. I love it when…
At this point the frame is largely assembled. The carriages are mounted, the heated bed is installed and things actually move (at least manually). I used a MK2A 300x300mmaluminum heatbed…
The printer frame is built out of V-slot linear rail http://openbuildspartstore.com/v-slot-linear-rail/. This is similar to the 80/20 and Bosch rails I have used on the CNC router but with one…
For the D-Bot 3D printer http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1001065, I am using a Rumba controller with DVR8825 stepper drivers. The display is a Full Graphic Smart controller (128×64). I ordered these from Amazon.…
I have not written much about 3D printing. The CNC router had a print head added at the end of the year. This was not what I would call a…