Start with thick cut pork chops about 1.25 -1.5″ thick.
Season liberally with Penzey’s Jerk spice blend and vacuum bag.
Optionally add 1-2tsp honey per chop if you are grilling at normal height.
Cook at 140F for 4 hours.
Grill over a very hot fire or on the coals for 2-3 min per side to caramelize the crust. If the meat is down on the coals 60-90 sec per side. If the grid is elevated to normal height, then a light coating of honey prior to grilling will enhance the browning. If it is applied and the meat is down on the coals it will be blackened in 60-90 sec. A bit too fast for my taste.
Even with the outside being a bit over done / charred, the inside was still moist and delicious.
We served these with: cauliflower with cheese sauce, smashed potatoes and apple sauce.
Tomorrow, I will be shopping for a bit bigger grate to place low but not quite on the coals.